Veteran-Directed Care (VDC)
About this Program
Veteran-Directed Care program serves Veterans of all ages who are eligible for nursing home level of care. The VDC program gives the Veteran, the opportunity to remain in their home and community with assistance from family and friends.
The program provides the Veteran flexibility to schedule staff (such as people they know) to provide care to meet needs and the responsibility of supervision. The Veteran also has the ability to purchase items and services that help them live independent of an institution.
A collaborative between The Administration for Community Living (ACL) and Veterans Health Administration (VHA), established VDC in 2008 to help Veterans with disabilities. In Minnesota, this program is the result of a partnership between (VHA) and the Minnesota Board on Aging. MRCI CDS is the only Financial Management Services that is approved to assist the Veterans with the financial details of this service.

You are the Employer
In VDC, the participant is the employer, which allows you to select, hire, train and manage your own staff.
Hire Family and Friends
You can hire the people you know, and who know you to provide your services. Including parents and spouses
Control your own care
This program is designed to give you the most flexibility in directing your services and supports.
How to sign up for VDC

Contact your Local VA
Inform the VA Representative that you are interested in Veteran-Directed Care.

Select MRCI CDS as your Financial Management Service (FMS)
Inform SWCIL that you would like to select MRCI CDS as your Financial Management Service Provider.

Contact us to schedule your personalized intake meeting
We'll meet with you one-on-one, in the format of your choosing to complete the enrollment process.
Prefer to complete documents online?
Many of these forms are conveniently available to complete online using SignNow. See the available forms.